Substitute Honey For Sugar & Get Perfect Baked Goods [Conversion Chart]

Have you ever looked in your cabinet, been out of sugar, but glanced at your bottle of honey and wondered, “how can I substitute honey for sugar?”

In this article, I’m going to show you how to do just that!

Have you ever been out of sugar and wondered, “how can I substitute honey for sugar?” In this article, I’m going to show you how! Conversion Chart Included.
(Want a really great cookbook that includes 80+ recipes for baking with honey? Check out my favorite book on Amazon here!)

Can I substitute honey for sugar? In this article, I show you how to do it, so you end up with great baked goods every time!

One of our goals is self-sufficiency, and let’s face it: Not only is processed sugar BAD BAD BAD for you, you can’t make it yourself.

Honey, on the other hand, you can make with the help of our friends, the honeybees. Back in the day, our forefathers (and pretty much everyone in Medieval Europe) used honey to sweeten baked goods (they also used something called cider molasses, which you can read about here). So, it’s a time-tested practice we can also use in modern times.

Self-sufficiency aside, after about $10,000 spent on dental work this year, I’ve started to substitute honey for sugar in our favorite recipes, and keeping my fingers crossed that’ll keep me from funding my dentist’s next ski vacation (not that I don’t like my dentist, but I imagine he’d love to see less of me and my smelly muck boots too!).

Can I substitute honey for sugar? In this article, I show you how to do it, so you end up with great baked goods every time!

Especially if you keep bees, or plan to keep bees, you’ll want to learn how to substitute honey for sugar so you can use up your harvest.

I’ve created the chart at the end of this article to make substitutions easier, so you can still enjoy your favorite meals (and they’ll be healthier!)